Our Partners

CaringWorks, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is working to end homelessness, one person at a time. We serve men, women, children, singles, families, veterans, and the elderly. Our residents are individuals with disabilities, substance use issues, chronic illness, criminal backgrounds, and histories of domestic violence. We, along with the people we serve, would love to have you as a partner on this journey.

Stand shoulder-to-shoulder with us and other like-minded individuals, foundations, and companies as we work to move individuals to self-sufficiency. By lending your time and helping to raise critical funds, you can impact the lives of our neighbors.

Corporate Partners

Socially-minded businesses partner with CaringWorks to ensure that our clients have the resources they need to achieve their goals. Partners do some or all of the following: provide volunteers, host events, work to improve living conditions at our residences, and offer financial support for our mission. Join the growing list of corporate partners.


Some of our foundation partners include:

Foundation Partners

Having a meaningful, positive impact is what family, corporate or community foundations are all about. By partnering with CaringWorks and honoring us with the opportunity to help meet philanthropic goals, foundations can achieve impact throughout the metropolitan Atlanta community. Working together allows us to align our shared missions to help those in need, leverage our collective resources, and deepen our engagement in our community. Together, we leave a legacy that ripples through future generations.

Public Partners

CaringWorks aligns with local, state and federal partners in the public sector to meet the goals of the community. To strengthen the network, we actively collaborate with other homeless-service providers, we volunteer for Board service, and we seek opportunities that will benefit the individuals we serve and the community we support.

Help everyone in our Atlanta Community reach their potential

For more information, contact Ashlee Starr at ashleestarr@caringworksinc.org.