Georgia CEO

Metro Atlanta CEO: CaringWorks Receives Nearly $1 Million in Federal Funding

CaringWorks was recently featured in Metro Atlanta CEO. “CaringWorks, one of the largest providers of supportive housing in the metropolitan Atlanta area, was named a recipient of a Substance Abuse…

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Carol Collard Named to Atlanta 500 by Atlanta Magazine

Carol Collard was part of an illustrious group of our community named to the Atlanta 500 (page 133) by Atlanta Magazine. Here’s what Atlanta Magazine had to say: “Carol Collard…

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Bradley and Ivy

PROGRAM: HOPE HOUSE, DEAF-CENTERED (DHH) PROGRAM As a person who has been deaf since the age of 3, Bradley often struggled to find his way in a hearing world. After…

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Four Types of Homelessness

Did You Know There Are Four Types of Homelessness?

When most people see someone who is homeless, they assume that they have been that way for a long time. The truth is, there is much more to the lives…

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Beauty from Ashes: Raven’s Journey

As a senior credit analyst, Raven was on a successful career path at a major bank. But over the course of five years, the stress and strain of the position…

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McKesson Technologies Gifts

“Homeless receive gifts for the holidays in Metro-Atlanta,” South Metro Neighbor

Neighbor Newspapers reported on clients of Decatur-based CaringWorks, one of the largest providers of supportive housing for those experiencing homelessness in the metropolitan Atlanta area, receiving items from their Christmas…

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CaringWorks McKesson Cares Deliveries

CaringWorks McKesson Cares Deliveries

McKesson provided 70 personalized gifts to over 30 CaringWorks’ clients in the past few days. Clients created their lists, including both “needs” and “wants” and McKesson employees in the technology…

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November is Homelessness Awareness Month: 3 encouraging things you need to know

The man holding a sign at a busy intersection. The woman asking for help in a crowded parking lot. These occurrences and many more serve as frequent reminders of the…

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WABE Atlanta NPR Logo

“Honoring Georgia Veterans,” Closer Look with Rose Scott

On Thursday’s special Veteran’s Day edition of Closer Look with Rose Scott, CaringWorks CEO Dr. Carol Collard sat down with program host Rose Scott to discuss the continuing challenges and…

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Veteran's Day 2021

Helping Veterans RISE Above Homelessness

As we commemorate Veterans Day today, November 11, we’d like to shed some light on why our service members are often more at risk of becoming homeless, some of the…

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