CaringWorks Annual Impact Report

Carol Collard
At a time when economic conditions make our work more urgent than ever, CaringWorks has grown to become one of Georgia’s leaders in providing permanent supportive housing. For us, growth means much more than increasing the number of people we serve; it also means increasing our commitment—and capacity—to pursue better ways to do the work. We know that success and stability for many clients require much more than a safe place to live. Ultimately, it requires that we care.
Caring works when we help clients access much-needed medical care and behavioral health services. Caring works when we help clients find a job. Caring works when we help a single mom navigate childcare challenges so that she can go to work. Caring works when we help clients develop a household budget. Caring works when we help clients reconnect and restore family relationships. And caring works thanks to the generous supporters and friends who enable our mission.
We are pleased to showcase our 2022 Annual Impact Report. Together, we enable life-changing transformations to help thousands of individuals and families escape chronic homelessness. Together, we demonstrate that caring does work.
With Gratitude,
Carol S. Collard, PhD, LMSW
President, Founder & CEO
June 2023