Program & Team Spotlight: RISE DeKalb
This month’s program spotlight features RISE DeKalb which provides permanent supportive housing in DeKalb County for chronically homeless single adults who have a mental health diagnosis and substance use challenges. The program currently serves 53 clients. Director Karma Russell shares a few updates and achievements.
What does RISE mean, and why is that important?
Our team continuously works with clients to encourage them to remember and practice the meaning and goals of RISE which are outlined below. We commend them on their personal strengths and achievements to positively reinforce how important this program is for their housing compliance, and most importantly, for them to achieve self-sufficiency and reach their goals.
- Recovery: Now that they are stably housed, clients work on their recovery by addressing mental health and/or substance abuse issues.
- Independence: Clients live independently in their communities and work on becoming even more independent and self-sufficient through their chosen goals and daily activities.
- Self-Motivation: Clients are self-motivated to make positive and healthy life decisions, they identify/locate needed resources independently, and they ask for assistance/guidance along the way as needed.
- Education: Clients become further educated on their diagnosis, mental illness, substance abuse challenges, and life skill needs, and they recognize that this is a lifelong learning opportunity.
What are some upcoming events, activities or initiatives of the program?
- We are excited that our monthly community meetings and peer support groups are up and running again within the residential communities, and we are always encouraging clients to attend and participate.
- We are also working on encouraging our residential clients to become more community involved whether it be by participating in activities that CaringWorks facilitates, participating in volunteer opportunities, or getting involved in other activities available in the broader community like museum tours, etc.
Tell us about some RISE DeKalb team member updates and shoutouts.
- I want to extend my deepest appreciation to Jemma Moses, our RISE DeKalb Senior Care Coordinator, for assisting me with managing an increased case load while we are working to fill a Care Coordinator vacancy in RISE DeKalb.
- I am also very appreciative of Kemba Cook, our Peer Support Specialist, who continues to step in and assist the team.
- Despite staffing turnover challenges with care coordinator positions, RISE DeKalb has retained two team members for several years who have both been promoted since starting at CaringWorks: Senior Care Coordinator Jemma Moses (4 years) and Program Director Karma Russell (10 years).
- I am nearing the completion of my Doctorate in Human Services and I’m just one year away from obtaining my degree. This will give me even greater knowledge and expertise that will help better serve our clients. #ClassOf2025
What are some client successes that you want to share to demonstrate the impact of this program?
- Several clients from RISE DeKalb have recently received Section 8 vouchers with some being able to successfully leave the program for Section 8 housing. Now we are working to fill vacancies that will give more people in need a chance to achieve stability.
- One client was approved for her SSI benefits in May 2024 and recently made her first rent payment independently to CaringWorks.
- Several housing clients are still maintaining their sobriety status.
- One client recently inherited a car and is successfully paying the monthly insurance.
- One client with employment challenges has maintained stable full-time employment since February, now has health benefits with his company, and consistently pays his monthly rent to CaringWorks.
- One client who was having challenges paying her rent consistently has been doing so for at least the past six months.
- Two clients are succeeding in their college courses, one for over a year now.
- One client opened a savings account recently and has increased her credit report score significantly.

The RISE DeKalb Team
July 2024